• The Trade Mission to Berlin, Germany, is a unique experience to find a wide range of tourism services with top decision makers worldwide at the ITB BERLIN fair. The categories are business trips, cruises, cultural tourism, cheap accommodation, e-travel world, adventurous and responsible tourism, training and employment, travel technology, trends and events, wellness, travel for young people and variety of services in this important industry. tourism, in addition to knowing the most attractive places of this beautiful capital.
  • The Academic Mission to Mexico City, with one of the most important university campuses in Ibero-America, is completely enriching at an academic and cultural level. This tour of companies, educational institutions and exhibitions is highly inspiring for those who visit one of the most important foreign trade fairs in the world, will be able to share, know and reinforce knowledge about international business, trends and innovations.
  • The Academic Mission to Medellin, the most innovative city in the world in 2013, will surprise you with technology and new designs in the world of art and fashion. The tour through colombiamoda and its academic immersion are an excellent opportunity to understand why Colombia enjoys a unique and transcendent wealth in education, vision and internationalization.
  • The Commercial Mission to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is to bring together the most important companies in the food sector at Gulfood, the largest and most important event in the healthy food and beverage sector and with added value for each specialty. In this are the best prices of innovative products to reflect the changes in consumer demand. The mission can be useful to achieve a relationship with the Arab culture and have better negotiation strategies to give a wide knowledge about this culture.
  • Opening Company

    $1,750.00 USD
    It is the set of legal and administrative activities for the constitution of a company abroad. It is protocolized with the signature of the partners.
  • Set of activities focused on identifying potential customers, contacting them and coordinating face-to-face or virtual appointments to promote a product or service to a specific target market.
  • Planned, exploratory and commercial visit to Guangzhou, China, for six days, visiting the largest and most important import fair in Asia, with excellent business opportunities.
  • The Academic Mission to Sao Paulo, Brazil, is an entertaining visit with a cultural vagage and unprecedented historical wealth, known to this great global city of Alfa type. The tour of EnerSolar will put the participant in the ideal place to know the latest launches of the sustainable energy industry. In addition, the business visits and the protocol seminar, etiquette and negotiation with Brazilians, will give a striking international vision.
  • La Misión Académica a Shanghái llevará al participante por un mundo desconocido, descubriendo aspectos trascendentales de protocolo, etiqueta y negociación. Además, la participación en "Transport Logistic China" permitirá entender, cómo en cualquier organización, la distribución se puede convertir en un negocio financiero sin precedentes como es el caso de Amazon o Bimbo. Las visitas empresariales darán una perspectiva majestuosa y masiva de lo que China representa para el mundo.
  • The Academic Mission to Madrid, capital of digital marketing in Europe, has a high impact path, especially for the avant-garde participant in Ecommerce issues and wishes to have more knowledge of how today many of the businesses move through the social networks and virtual platforms. It is a vastly enriching experience.
  • Generate excellent opportunities for professional expansion through work immersion in a foreign company through your international virtual internship. Enrich your knowledge with entrepreneurship and cultural workshops. Duration: 16 weeks. The virtual international internship could be part-time, 25 hours, or full-time, 40 hours per week.
  • The Academic Mission to Washington, is a shocking visit as the capital of the United States brings together history and modernism, useful elements for the learning of a new culture. Participating in NAFSA, one of the most important education fairs worldwide, will allow to attend the global colloquium of learning, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and design. Additionally, there will be activities and spaces for networking.
  • The Academic Mission to Madrid, capital of digital marketing in Europe, has a high impact path, especially for the avant-garde participant in Ecommerce issues and wishes to have more knowledge of how today many of the businesses move through the social networks and virtual platforms. It is a vastly enriching experience.
  • The Academic Mission to Sao Paulo, Brazil, is an entertaining visit with a cultural vagage and unprecedented historical wealth, known to this great global city of Alfa type. The tour of EnerSolar will put the participant in the ideal place to know the latest launches of the sustainable energy industry. In addition, the business visits and the protocol seminar, etiquette and negotiation with Brazilians, will give a striking international vision.
  • The commercial Mission to Hannover, Germany, is a very important framework to visit the Hannover Messe fair, which brings together a large number of services for the future of Industry 4.0. This event has the technology of tomorrow's working world, at your fingertips and ready to go. Each year its participants increase, reaching more than two hundred and twenty thousand in its latest edition and it is expected to continue being leaders in innovation of Intelligent Networks, Energy Technology for Buildings, Integrated Energy, Double Strategy for Digitalization, Connections and Omnichannel and Multichannel Solutions
  • Qualified consultant who will perform virtually, activities related to marketing and sales that allow the expansion or internationalization of companies in various local or foreign markets.
  • Business opportunity management that allows moving from stage 1 (Discovery) to stage 4 (Selection), ensuring follow-up, development of sales processes, accelerating, escalating and increasing successful closure.
  • Set of activities focused on identifying potential customers, contacting them and coordinating face-to-face or virtual appointments to promote a product or service to a specific target market.
  • The Academic Mission to Paris, one of the economic engines of the world, is an unforgettable visit that will allow participants to visit the Fair "FIAC", meeting great leaders in design, art, among many others. In addition, have excellent business tours through the city of lights and live protocol, etiquette and ways to negotiate in France.
  • The Academic Mission to Boston, a center of higher education in the United States, is a unique and vast learning experience. It generates a high impact on the international vision of the participant thanks to the tour of one of the most important universities in the world, the visit to the most cutting-edge technology event of recent years, which has as partners companies such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Facebook , Instagram, Intel, Ebay, American Express, Spotify, wework and Uber. Additionally, he will know the protocol, negotiation and culture with Americans, and will make a great network of contacts for professional development.
  • The Academic Mission to London, global city and one of the nerve centers in art, commerce, education and research, will give the participant a unique vision when participating in Ecobuild. It will be a journey with valuable and stimulating content, you can share ideas, establish networks and build international relations. Additionally, you will be able to identify future professional opportunities.
  • The Academic Mission to Paris, one of the economic engines of the world, is an unforgettable visit that will allow participants to visit the Fair "FIAC", meeting great leaders in design, art, among many others. In addition, have excellent business tours through the city of lights and live protocol, etiquette and ways to negotiate in France.
  • The commercial mission to Düsseldorf, Germany, is a unique commercial experience, where executives and entrepreneurs will have an exceptional opportunity to visit the Medical Fair, an event of this sector with greater size and leadership worldwide, specialized in technology industry suppliers medical The fair in its last edition achieved one hundred twenty-eight thousand attendees from 130 countries, for this occasion the trade mission offers a prior preparation of protocol and negotiation with Germans and opportunities to visit this important business city.
  • The Academic Mission to Washington, is a shocking visit as the capital of the United States brings together history and modernism, useful elements for the learning of a new culture. Participating in NAFSA, one of the most important education fairs worldwide, will allow to attend the global colloquium of learning, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and design. Additionally, there will be activities and spaces for networking.
