• The Academic Mission to Bombai, the main economic, cultural and educational center of India, is an incredible experience that will allow to know the chemical industry, the third in Asia and the sixth most important in the world. negotiation, development, technology and innovation and a vast cultural enrichment will be a unique and unforgettable immersion for the participant.
  • The Academic Mission to Bombai, the main economic, cultural and educational center of India, is an incredible experience that will allow to know the chemical industry, the third in Asia and the sixth most important in the world. negotiation, development, technology and innovation and a vast cultural enrichment will be a unique and unforgettable immersion for the participant.
  • The Academic Mission to San Francisco, California, is a destination with great academic wealth for its centers of technological development and research that have changed history. Business visits and participation in Digital Thinker will be a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs who want to make themselves known internationally. Additionally, they will have a great cultural approach to this special city composed 85% by small companies with less than 10 employees.
  • The Academic Mission to San Francisco, California, is a destination with great academic wealth for its centers of technological development and research that have changed history. Business visits and participation in Digital Thinker will be a source of inspiration for entrepreneurs who want to make themselves known internationally. Additionally, they will have a great cultural approach to this special city composed 85% by small companies with less than 10 employees.
  • It is the realization of a qualified job, during a determined period, in a foreign country, which allows the student to have a cultural, experimental immersion of very high scope for their professional life.
  • Languages ​​for Executives, It is the training of a language and other areas, abroad, for a short period and in a very intensive way, to significantly increase their knowledge and skills that will have immediate impact on their work and organization.
  • Languages ​​abroad, It is the immersion in a country for the study of a language with the purpose of mastering it, creating great value for their personal and professional performance, and the generation of value and skills in their competences at an international level.
  • They are courses abroad, between two and three consecutive months, where a language is learned and reinforced, cultural activities are carried out and a great international relationship is obtained.
  • The Academic Mission to Paris, one of the economic engines of the world, is an unforgettable visit that will allow participants to visit the Fair "FIAC", meeting great leaders in design, art, among many others. In addition, have excellent business tours through the city of lights and live protocol, etiquette and ways to negotiate in France.
  • The Academic Mission to Boston, a center of higher education in the United States, is a unique and vast learning experience. It generates a high impact on the international vision of the participant thanks to the tour of one of the most important universities in the world, the visit to the most cutting-edge technology event of recent years, which has as partners companies such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Facebook , Instagram, Intel, Ebay, American Express, Spotify, wework and Uber. Additionally, he will know the protocol, negotiation and culture with Americans, and will make a great network of contacts for professional development.
  • The Academic Mission to Boston, a center of higher education in the United States, is a unique and vast learning experience. It generates a high impact on the international vision of the participant thanks to the tour of one of the most important universities in the world, the visit to the most cutting-edge technology event of recent years, which has as partners companies such as Google, Amazon, IBM, Facebook , Instagram, Intel, Ebay, American Express, Spotify, wework and Uber. Additionally, he will know the protocol, negotiation and culture with Americans, and will make a great network of contacts for professional development.
  • Selection of Product / Service (tariff heading) exportable
