• Trademark registration: It is the presentation of all documents and compliance with requirements for the registration of the trademark that is made in front of the corresponding entity.
  • Sanitary registration: It is the presentation of all the documents and compliance with requirements for the sanitary registration of a tariff sub-item, which is carried out in the corresponding entity.
  • International Community Manager: It is the design and creation of corporate digital marketing campaigns for social networks such as facebook, instagram, likedin or twitter, with the aim of publicizing a product or service in a foreign market.
  • International Pipeline Agency: Set of activities focused on the identification of potential clients, their contact and the coordination of appointments to publicize a product or service abroad.
  • Property Management: Research and advice on commercial real estate for purchase or rent to establish a company or business.
  • Customized business mission, The commercial mission is the opportunity to broaden the international business perspective around topics of general interest in countries that offer economic opportunities. All this, through visits to companies and large companies, in the chosen destination city. Fill this form and we will get in touch very soon!

  • Complemento para grupo 10-19 participantes en Toronto: TIFF Misión Académica.
  • Complemento para grupo 10-19 participantes en Toronto: TIFF Misión Académica.
  • Planned, exploratory and commercial visit to Guangzhou, China, for six days, visiting the largest and most important import fair in Asia, with excellent business opportunities.
  • The Commercial Mission to Bogotá, Colombia, considered one of the most promising investment countries in Latin America, offers one of the expos with a very high value offer in the agricultural sector. It is an excellent space for exchange and technological updating. The knowledge and the network of contacts will generate a number of commercial opportunities.
  • The Commercial Mission to Las Vegas, is a spectacular space of technology for the video industry, which includes film producers, directors of the film industry, producers, marketing, advertising, among many others. It is an opportunity to know how through this sector you will make your business highly profitable and generate a volume of clients of the highest value. Networking is multicultural with a top management profile.
  • It is a qualified job, during a specific period in Mexico, that allows the student to have a cultural, experimental immersion of the highest scope for their professional life.
