
$1,100.00 USD

Communication, It mentions the local media in the country or target market where features and contact data of these are included, which allow viewing the one that will best adapt to the product or service under analysis.


A report will be delivered with the following data and their respective conclusions:

A comparative table will be made of the 3 main local media selected based on the requirement including the following variables:

1. Name of the company
2. Profile description
3. Nationality of the company
4. Contact data of up to 2 people in the respective area that generates value (Name, position, direct telephone, cell phone (if provided), email, 2 possible social networks of the person (if you have them: linkedin and twitter preferably), the company’s website, 2 possible social networks of the company (linkedin / facebook and twitter of preference) and physical address).
5. Up to 2 examples of local communications about a substitute product or service that has been done in the past.
6. Analysis of the communication (print, digital, radio, TV, etc.) that was made
7. Local price of up to 2 similar communications

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